Breastfeeding, BabyWearing, Cloth Diapering, Earth Loving Mammas

My Mamma's Milk believes that the greatest legacy any parent can leave is a well nurtured, thoughtful human being.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

May 8, 2010

So, I haven't been blogging in a while. You all look at my last entry back in February and are thinking, "No sh*t?"

I find that life simply gets in the way. Everyday things get in the way. A 22 month old who is trained like Pavlov's dog to immediately need boob the instant I sit down to write really gets in the way (literally). I mean - I am not great at typing one handed and my boobs don't stretch like yo-yo's quite yet. And because my time in front of the MAC is limited, my writing has become more like Clif Notes.

Lately, I have been getting many requests for breastfeeding help, all of which I am happy to help with. Some ladies send video, some call, some come to me and other are via email. I am always amazed at how these breastfeeding issues go un-addressed by OBGYNs, Pedis, and even IBCLCs - these poor women, determined to nurse their little ones and are climbing Everest with no help. How the heck does this get missed?? I can see it and fix it, even from 1000 miles away but the local doctor doesn't? It drives home the point that breastfeeding is 90% art, 10% science and 100% heart. It also is quite obvious that boobie-feeding is a side note to mothering for most doctors (very frustrating). So yup, been working with loads of moms and so far, they are all still nursing happily. Business is decent through the website as well and we have picked up Nip-Suk to add to our line-up!

On the other flip side of my life, I am a writer - I have been one for over a decade. I do lots of freelance and lately (okay, well the past 6 months) have been picking away at my first novel (almost 50% done at nearly 200 pages in). It turns out, you can get truly pissed at fictional characters of your own making. It also turns out that they really are quite lazy and you have to think of everything for them. The idea of "the book just wrote itself" came from someone who didn't remember writing the frigging thing because they were probably high on PCP.

Will stop by again soon! My son needs titi - SEE??? TRAINED!!!
